Japan Tokyo Final Day

I woke up on my final day in Tokyo and had some trouble getting out of bed. The journey across Japan and Korea would be ending later that day and it was almost as if staying in bed a few more minutes would somehow keep my departure from happening. When I did get up I took a look outside my hostel to see the skies still covered in gray clouds. Melancholy weather was kind of fitting for a day like this. I had no major plans for the end of my journey, so after packing up and leaving my backpack at the front desk I headed out into the city to revisit a few spots that I liked. It was time for one last round of wandering through Tokyo.

Japan Tokyo Final Day Asakusa

The rain was coming down by the time I arrived in Asakusa. Most people in Tokyo use umbrellas when it rains and navigating crowds on rainy days means lots of umbrellas bumping into each other.

Japan Tokyo Final Day Asakusa

Japan Tokyo Final Day Asakusa

Japan Tokyo Final Day Asakusa

At Sensoji Temple the bad weather wasn’t doing anything to keep the crowds away. In fact, the temple’s incense cauldron was working overtime with the sheer number of candles that visitors were placing in it. I walked around the temple for a while and then headed back to the subway.

Japan Tokyo Final Day Odaiba

Next I went all the way down to Odaiba Island. This is my favorite spot for getting away from the city while still being inside the city. The rain came to a stop as I was walking along on the beach and I listened to a little music while taking in the view. Had the weather been better I think I would have gone over to Odaiba’s ferris wheel and taken a ride on it.

Japan Tokyo Final Day Shibuya

Time was rapidly running out when I arrived in Shibuya. I checked my phone and realized that the Shibuya area would be my final stop before returning to the hostel to collect my backpack. After crossing the Shibuya Scramble a couple of times I proceeded to a building just north of Shibuya Station. My final meal in Tokyo was awaiting me and it was going to be a big one.

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